BUIP001: (passed founders) “Unlimited” inspired extensions to the Bitcoin Client
BUIP002: (passed 17:0:0) Multi-BIP Scaling Enabler
BUIP003: (passed) Andrew Quentson (Aquent) for Secretary
BUIP004: (passed 17:0:0) RBF/double spending support
BUIP005: (passed 15:2:0) Settings information via coinbase-txn & user-agent
BUIP006: (rejected 9:5:0) Blocktorrent – a torrent-style block data transport
BUIP007: (rejected) Lee Adams (redditchampsys) for president
BUIP008: (passed) Vote Andrew Stone for Developer
BUIP009: (unused)
BUIP010: (passed 17:0:0) Xtreme Thinblocks
BUIP011: (passed) Andrew Clifford for President
BUIP012: (rejected) Vote Trevin Hofmann for President
BUIP013: (passed 13:2:0) Upgrade alert system so that Bitcoin Unlimited can send message alerts to nodes
BUIP014: (passed crowdfunded) Testing a BU X-Relay Network for Miners in China
BUIP015: (draft) Decentralize mining with the FAIR PoW algorithm and an user-configurable PoW setting -
BUIP016: (passed 14:0:0) Consensus with Classic on txn size limit
BUIP017: (passed 14:0:0) Datastream Compression
BUIP018: (passed 13:0:0) Bitnodes Seeding and User-Configurable DNS Seeds
BUIP019: (voted) New Members for Election #1
BUIP020: (draft) Implement bit-0 soft-forks (BIPs 9,68,112,113)
BUIP021: (draft) Proposal for implementation of node performance testing and safe block size estimation and broadcast
BUIP022: (draft) XInv
BUIP023: (passed 15:1:0) Miner block creation latency optimization
BUIP024: (draft) Extension Blocks with Address Sharding
BUIP025: (passed crowdfunded) BU “Bronze Sponsor” at Scaling Bitcoin, Milan, Italy
BUIP026: (passed 18:0:0) Bounties for Software Exploits
BUIP027: (passed 13:0:0) Satoshi’s Vision - Development & Scaling Conference
BUIP028: (rejected) Candidacy for Secretary role - digitsu
BUIP029: (rejected) Vote Trevin Hofmann for Secretary
BUIP030: (rejected 13:0:0) Website Enhancements at bitcoinunlimited.info
BUIP031: (voted) New Members for Election #2
BUIP032: (passed) Vote Peter R for Secretary
BUIP033: (passed 17:0:0) Parallel Validation
BUIP034: (passed 18:0:0) Ecosystem Outreach for Onchain Scaling
BUIP035: (passed 17:0:0) New Bitcoin Unlimited Website
BUIP036: (voted) New Members for Election #3
BUIP037: (draft) Hardfork SegWit
BUIP038: (rejected 3:13:0) Revert “Sticky gate”
BUIP039: (draft) Upgrade via extension point
BUIP040: (passed 12:4:0) Emergent Consensus Parameters and Defaults for >1MB blocks
BUIP041: (rejected 10:6:0) (BUIP038 Counter): Prevent Minority Hash Power From Injecting Very Large Blocks into the Blockchain
BUIP042: (voted) New Members for Election #4
BUIP043: (rejected 6:16:1) Exploring the Bitcoin Network
BUIP044: (draft) Development Process
BUIP045: (draft) Unified addresses format for BUIP037
BUIP046: (passed 23:0:1) Faster, Higher Quality Publication Process for the Bitcoin Research Journal Ledger
BUIP047: (passed 22:1:0) The Future of Bitcoin - Development & Scaling Conference
BUIP048: (voted) New Members for Election #5
BUIP049: (rejected 9:8:1) Amend AoC to change membership period
BUIP050: (rejected 13:1:1) Double yes with tie-break question
BUIP051: (passed 16:3:0) Add CompactBlocks support
BUIP052: (passed 19:1:0) Set up dedicated Continuous Integration
BUIP053: (rejected 12:0:4) Tweakable client DoS responses
BUIP054: (rejected 11:6:1) Make AD optional and disabled by default
BUIP055: (passed 21:0:0) Increase the Block Size Limit at a Fixed Block Height
BUIP056: (passed 16:3:1) Increase the Block Size Limit triggered by a support threshold
BUIP057: (passed 13:1:4) Add BIP135 support (BIP9+)
BUIP058: (withdrawn) Dynamic checkpoints
BUIP059: (draft) Make “sticky gate” optional (disabled by default)
BUIP060: (voted) New Members for Election #6
BUIP061: (reserved) For @LIN Zheming
BUIP062: (passed 24:0:0) Funded Development, aka Devpool
BUIP063: (passed 23:0:0) Support Bitcoin Cash with an official implementation
BUIP064: (rejected 13:8:2) Support Segwit2x with an official implementation
BUIP065: (passed 21:2:0) Gigablock Testnet Initiative
BUIP066: (passed 24:0:0) Ecosystem Outreach for Onchain Scaling, Part II
BUIP067: (voted) New Members for Election #7
BUIP068: (passed 24:0:1) Satoshi’s Vision 2 - Conference
BUIP069: (rejected 6:14:6) Academic paper - Mining, Taxation and Public Goods in Bitcoin
BUIP070: (passed 15:4:2) Support BitPay’s new Bitcoin Cash address format in BUCash
BUIP071: (passed 21:0:2) Make Bitcoin Cash the “Release” Version of Bitcoin Unlimited
BUIP072: (passed 14:3:3) Partially re-weight BU’s funds towards BCH
BUIP073: (rejected 8:10:3) Fully re-weight BU’s funds towards BCH
BUIP074: (passed 20:0:2) Sell the Bitcoin Gold portion of BU’s funds for BCH
BUIP075: (passed 16:3:2) BUIP075: Counter BUIP of BUIP071
BUIP076: (passed 17:1:3) Support Base32 address format in BUCash
BUIP077: (passed 19:0:3) Enable representative tokens via OP_GROUP on Bitcoin Cash
BUIP078: (passed 21:0:1) Enable Binary Contracts in Bitcoin Cash via OP_DATASIGVERIFY
BUIP079: (draft) Publication of BUIP vote and election dates in advance
BUIP080: (voted) New Members for Election #8
BUIP081: (rejected 18:0:4) Unambiguous definition of 1 year membership period
BUIP082: (passed 16:2:3) Opt-in Malleability Fix
BUIP083: (passed 19:0:0) Andrew Clifford for President
BUIP084: (passed 17:0:1) Secure BCH coin splitting instructions
BUIP085: (passed 21:0:0) Double spend relaying
BUIP086: (passed 17:1:3) bitcoincash: URI format update
BUIP087: (passed 14:7:2) Utilization of “cash” denomination
BUIP088: (passed 12:2:6) Double-spend proof creation and forwarding
BUIP089: (passed 21:0:0) Blockchain Engineer Services Contract
BUIP090: (voted) New Members for Election #9
BUIP091: (passed 22:3:5) Move the official BU repository and issue tracker to GitLab
BUIP092: (passed 31:0:1) Workshop on Instant Transactions for Bitcoin
BUIP093: (passed 26:1:4) Graphene v.2 Improvements and Extensions
BUIP094: (passed 21:8:2) BCH November upgrade - Re-enable OP Codes
BUIP095: (passed 20:10:2) BCH November upgrade - CHECKDATASIG & CHECKDATASIGVERIFY
BUIP096: (rejected 5:24:3) BCH November upgrade - Enforced lexicographic transaction ordering
BUIP097: (voted) New Members for Election #10
BUIP098: (passed 30:2:2) Bitcoin Unlimited’s Strategy for the November 2018 Hard Fork
BUIP099: (omitted)
BUIP100: (omitted)
BUIP101: (rejected 16:17:0) Set the default value of max blocksize cap (hard limit) to 10 terabyte
BUIP102: (draft) Set the default value of max blocksize cap (hard limit) to infinity
BUIP103: (passed 17:8:7) Let’sBuildBCH! @ Satoshi’s Coffee-house - Conference
BUIP104: (passed 27:0:6) Re-elect Peter Rizun for BU Secretary
BUIP105: (voted) New Members for Election #11
BUIP106: (withdrawn) License Bitcoin Unlimited software under GPLv3
BUIP107: (draft) Sell the BCH portion of BU’s funds for BSV
BUIP108: (rejected 4:18:2) Support for the BCH and BSV chains
BUIP109: (passed 20:2:3) Andrew Stone for Developer
BUIP110: (passed 25:0:1) Funded Development, aka Devpool2
BUIP111: (draft) Use BTC over BCH or BSV
BUIP112: (voted) New Members for Election #12
BUIP113: (rejected 8:18:0) Support Bitcoin SV with an Official Implementation
BUIP114: (passed 19:9:1) Drop support for the BSV HF Config Parameters in BUCash
BUIP115: (passed 17:3:2) Drop support for BTC
BUIP116: (rejected 14:5:3) Articles of Federation Clarification
BUIP117: (draft) Open Letter from BU members to the BCH / BSV communities
BUIP118: (passed 11:6:5) Implement CashAccount lookup features
BUIP119: (passed 11:6:5) Implement sending to CashAccount
BUIP120: (passed 21:0:2) Replace LevelDB with an immutable stateless storage design
BUIP121: (passed 13:6:4) Create formal specifications
BUIP122: (rejected 3:16:6) Remove Norway from membership
BUIP123: (rejected 8:15:5) Remove imaginary_username from membership
BUIP124: (voted) New Members for Election #13
BUIP125: (passed 14:6:1) Remove Norway from membership
BUIP126: (passed 17:2:3) Planet-on-a-LAN stress test model network
BUIP127: (rejected 10:10:1) Partially re-weight funds, 50% BTC to BCH
BUIP128: (passed 20:2:0) Fund the Developer
BUIP129: (passed 16:3:1) Finish and Productize the BU Voting System
BUIP130: (voted) New Members for Election #14
BUIP131: (passed 14:0:2) Bobtail Prototype Extending Storm on Bitcoin Unlimited
BUIP132: (passed 12:2:0) Ecosystem Outreach & Marketing for BU & On-chain Scaling
BUIP133: (draft) Electron Cash Improvements
BUIP134: (passed 16:0:0) Fund another Developer
BUIP135: (passed 16:0:0) Use OKCoin Donation to fund DoubleSpend Proofs
BUIP136: (passed 12:0:0) Andrew Clifford for president
BUIP137: (passed 16:0:0) Funded development (aka Devpool3)
BUIP138: (passed 15:0:0) Fund BU’s Chief Scientist
BUIP139: (no quorum) Multiple OP_RETURN with less rules
BUIP140: (passed 3:0:3) Multiple OP_RETURN with shared size limit
BUIP141: (rejected 3:11:3) Restrict voting rights for Non-publicly identified members
BUIP142: (rejected 9:7:1) Create Bitcoin Cash testdata
BUIP143: (passed 16:0:2) Refuse the Coinbase Tax
BUIP144: (draft) Voluntary pay out to config list of addresses from mined block coinbases
BUIP146: (passed 17:0:2) Additional funding for bitcoin cash specification
BUIP146: (rejected 4:5:5) Add config parameter to delay mining transactions
BUIP147: (passed 14:2:2) Fund Developer 2
BUIP148: (passed 14:4:0) Ecosystem Outreach & Marketing for BU & On-chain Scaling 2
BUIP149: (rejected 0:5:9) Delimited OP_RETURNs
BUIP150: (passed 12:0:1) B.U. Incorporated office admin
BUIP151: (passed 14:0:0) Further Development of the Bobtail/Storm Protocol
BUIP152: (passed 12:1:0) Announcing Wally Wallet
BUIP153: (passed 13:0:1) BU Blockparty - Let’s Get Building On Bitcoin Cash!
BUIP154: (passed 13:0:0) Re-elect Peter R for BU Secretary
BUIP155: (voted) New Members for Election #15
BUIP156: (passed 13:0:0) Andrew Stone For Developer
BUIP157: (passed 13:0:0) Continue Funding a Developer
BUIP158: (passed 13:0:0) Funding for SysAdmin/Developer
BUIP159: (passed 10:0:0) Ecosystem Outreach & Marketing for BU & On-chain Scaling 2021
BUIP160: (passed 9:0:0) BCH Developer On-ramp System
BUIP161: (passed 9:0:0) Bitcoin Unlimited Website Refresh
BUIP162: (passed 10:0:1) The BU Mining Reward Guarantee
BUIP163: (passed 12:0:0) Ongoing Publication Grant to the Journal Ledger
BUIP164: (voted) New Members for Election #16
BUIP165: (reserved)
BUIP166: (passed 13:6:2) Launch a Chain for Proving Next Generation Features
BUIP167: (passed 10:0:0) Hire talent to conduct consensus building work
BUIP168: (passed 9:0:0) Add support for Native Introspection CHIP
BUIP169: (passed 10:0:0) Add support for larger integers
BUIP170: (passed 6:0:3) Implement CHIP 2021-01 Restrict Transaction Version
BUIP171: (passed 6:0:3) Implement CHIP 2021-01 Allow Transactions to be smaller in size
BUIP172: (passed 60:3) Evaluate CHIP-2021-05-vm-limits: Targeted Virtual Machine Limits
BUIP173: (passed 4:1:5) Join and support BMP for BCH development
BUIP174: (passed 11:0:0) Funded Development, aka Devpool4
BUIP175: (passed 12:0:0) Taking VotePeer from Prototype to Production
BUIP176: (passed 11:0:0) Flexibility for Long-term Developers
BUIP177: (voted) New Members for Election #16
BUIP178: (passed 8:1:1) NEXA Official Website
BUIP179: (passed 10:1:0) Ecosystem Outreach & Marketing for BU & On-chain Scaling 2022
BUIP180: (passed 9:0:1) Andrew Clifford for President
BUIP181: (passed 9:1:0) BU Mobile Wallet Project
BUIP182: (passed 14:1:2) Fund Rostrum Electrum server development
BUIP183: (passed 13:0:4) Re-elect Peter R for BU Secretary
BUIP184: (passed 8:1:0) Nexa Marketing Budget
BUIP185: (passed 6:2:0) Nexa Infrastructure & Strategy
BUIP186: (tied - no result 4:4:0) Mid-Tier Exchange Listing Fee
BUIP187: (passed 7:1:0) CashScript Port To Nexa
BUIP188: (reserved)
BUIP189: (passed 8:1:0) Token Minting Tool - Basic
BUIP190: (passed 9:0:0) B.U. Team NEX Vesting Rewards
BUIP191: (passed 5:3:0) Nexa Growth Plan Community Funded Projects
BUIP192: (passed 8:0:0) Andrew Stone for Developer
BUIP193: (passed 9:0:0) Bitcoin Unlimited be a “Customer” for a student project at NTNU
BUIP194: (passed 9:0:0) Flexibility for Long-term Developers 2023
BUIP195: (passed 7:1:0) Nexa UltraScale Testnet Initiative
BUIP196: (passed 6:0:0) Marketing Team Budget Increase
BUIP197: (passed 9:0:0) BIPs32-39-44 HD functions for Falcon PQC - Public Bounty
BUIP198: (passed 6:1:0) Ledger Embedded App Development
BUIP199: (passed) NexScript Phase 2
BUIP200: (passed) Tokenize Phase 2
BUIP201: (passed) NEXA 1st Hackathon
BUIP202: (passed) Hire additional developers
BUIP203: (passed) Andrew Clifford for B.U. President
BUIP204 (passed) B.U. Participation in the Australian Crypto Convention 2024
BUIP205: (passed) Fund Bitcoin Unlimited and Nexa Marketing and Social Media Hires
BUIP206: (passed) New Member for Election - Dolaned
BUIP207: (passed 10:0:0) Tier-1 Exchange Listing for Nexa
BUIP208: (rejected 4:5:0) New Members for Election - Endo
BUIP209 (passed) B.U. Long-term Mission Focus on NEXA
BUIP210: (passed) Re-elect Peter R for Bitcoin Unlimited Secretary
BUIP211: (passed) Continuing the Publication Grant to Ledger Journal
Next available ref: 212
BUIPs are added to this list if proposed or sponsored by a BU member.